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Monday, 29 November 2010

Full Brontë Night

This Friday’s event for A Brontë-themed Christmas in Mirfield (mainly organised by Imelda and Catherine Marsden) takes place at St Paul’s Church, Eastthorpe, Mirfield. It begins at 7.30pm.

Tickets at ten pounds (includes refreshments) can be obtained from the Kirklees Brontë Group: phone 01924 519370 or send a stamped, addressed envelope to 18 Quarry Fields, Mirfield, WF14 0NT  Proceeds go to two children’s charities.

The History Wardrobe will be there with a costume presentation on Jane Eyre, the Best Dressed Governess, during the interval Christmas hymns and carols will be sung, and the second half will be given over to the terrific jazz vocalist Val Wiseman, who will sing from her Brontë album.

Below, Val Wiseman singing in Dewsbury Minster last year:

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