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Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Serve on Council?

Paid-up members of the Brontë Society are invited to serve on Council. This is made up of twenty-one Ordinary Members and three Honorary Officers - Secretary, Treasurer and Publications Officer.

Ordinary Members of Council are elected for a three-year term and may serve three consecutive three-year terms before being required to stand down for one year. Honorary Officers are elected annually and are required to stand down after three consecutive one-year terms. In June 2010, all three current Honorary Officers and one Ordinary Member will complete their maximum terms and will be standing down. Four further Ordinary Members have completed their three-year terms and must stand down, but will be eligible for re-election.

Nominations are invited for the Honorary Officer posts and for up to fifteen Ordinary Members to serve on Council (which meets regularly in Haworth) for the periods 2010 - 2011 (Honorary Officers) and (Ordinary Members).

There is no financial reward: the Society is a charity. Travel expenses for attendance at meetings are paid.

If you are interested, check that you have been a fully paid-up member for at least one year, make sure that you have a proposer and a seconder (who must also be paid-up members) and compose a statement of up to one hundred words describing yourself. You will also need a recent passport-sized photo. Your nomination must reach the Council Administrator no later than Saturday 27 February. If you have not already received a nomination form, contact the Parsonage.

The election will be by ballot only.

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